my name is Giulia Soldati. I am a designer and I work with food.
I create unique and immersive edible experiences
that engage all the senses, and in particular the sense of touch.
Being inspired by food-related objects and food
traditions, I redesign gestures and the choreography of the body in relation to
food, crafting ceramics and tools to be used at the table.
By recognizing the amazing power food has to
bring people together, my work is based on conviviality, rituals, aiming to
redefine the way we interact with it and to generate new food narratives
In the process, I use my hands as a tool for
knowledge: touching enables to get closer to the ingredients, their history,
the cultures they come from. For this reason my practice always encourages
sensoriality at the table and the use of our hands. I believe that feeling on
our skin what we are about to eat gives us another level of understanding of
the food we will ingest, eventually making us more aware on the choices we make
every day.
In 2016 I founded Contatto Experience, a culinary
culture and eating experience that extends taste to the realm of touch.
I am currently investigating how bread, being the base of food cultures and of our nourishment, can speak of different issues and can generate spaces of community. You can find me in Amsterdam at Broodbakkerij Ex.
Ph: Abril Macías